Thus it is of no surprise that there are literally hundreds of bird-like creatures scattered through mists of mythology and legend.
Due to time constraints, I couldn't possibly list all those that spark my interest and write detailed "Beastly Facts" on them , so I am going to introduce to a three of my favourites.
1. The Roc,
[Image: Link] |
Beastly Facts
Name: Roc / Roc Bird / Rukh
Origin: Middle Eastern / Arabic / Persian
Creep Factor: 2/10
Affiliation: Islam
Deadly Rating: 8/10
Cryptid: Yes
Shares similarity
with: Jatayu, Thunder Bird.
The Roc is an enormous predominantly white, bird of prey that hails from Middle Eastern Legend. The Venetian traveller Marco Polo is said to have seen the birds of the island of Madagascar, and in the court of Kublai Khan.
The Roc is said to look like an enormous vulture or eagle capable of carrying an elephant.
The Roc is mentioned in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights). In which Sinbad the Sailor finds himself marooned on an island with a Roc egg. When the bird returns he ties himself to its leg with his turban and escapes.
There is some suggestion that Roc may be a distorted misinterpretation of the extinct Elephant bird (Aepyornis maximus) of Madagascar. Which disappeared some time during the 17th Century.
[image reference:] |
2. Lightening Bird
[image courtesy:DeviantArt] |
Beastly Facts
Name: Lightening Bird / Impundulu/ Thekwane/ Izulu/ Iyoni yezulu
Origin: African
Creep Factor: 1/10
Affiliation: African animist
Deadly Rating: 3/10
Cryptid: undecided.
Shares similarity
with: Jatayu, Thunder Bird. Halycon, Shangyang
The Lightning bird is a magical creature native to a number of African cultures (Pondo, Zulu and Xhosa).
The lightning bird appears as a lightning strike, except to women who can see the bird in its true form. The fat from the lightning bird contains a special component that is used in traditional African medicine.
The Lightning bird is associated with rains and storms.
On Wikipedia (reliable source of info that it is) suggests that the Lightning bird may have vampiric and shapeshifting tendencies. However, I can not confirm this. My Mythological Creatures Bible does not mention this aspect of the creature, and nor (as far as I am aware) do any other bestiary websites that I frequent.
The lightening bird is most commonly associated with the rather strange looking Hammerkop, due to its curved bill and long shaggy crest.
Those mythological birds, remarkably similar in nature to the Lightning bird are; thunderbirds, the Shangyang (Chinese mythology) - a one legged massive bird who blows out the rain. Folk law states that Chinese farms would once call upon the Shang Yang to water their fields and farms. They would do this by imitating the bird, hopp on one leg, wrinkle their foreheads and yell "It will thunder it will rain, because the Shang Yang's here again." (Rosen, 2010:pg164).
And the Halycon, hailing from Greek mythology. Unlike its counterparts, the Halycon is a small bird, no larger than a sparrow, sea blue with a rust coloured underside (often represented as a blue kingfisher).
This bird is famed for its effects on the weather. The term "Halycon Days" is used to refer to the mid-winter calm on the ocean in the northern hemisphere.
3. Thunderbird
Beastly Facts
Name: Thunderbird / Wakį́yą, (Lakota) / Kw-Uhnx-Wa (Nuu Chah Nulth) / binesi (Ojibwa)
Origin: Indigenous Norther American Nations.
Creep Factor: 1/10
Affiliation: American Indigenous
Deadly Rating: 3/10
Cryptid: YesStep away from lip synching puppets, and meet the real mythological Thunder Bird. This Is a truly fascinating mythological beast, and one I first came across in Rachel Vincent's Shifter Series, (highly recommend them!)
Traditionally speaking, the Thunderbird is a mythical creature of immense power and strength. Like the African Lightning bird, it is capable of producing storms . Thunder follows in the wake of its wingbeats, and lightning is produced as it blinks. The cultures of the the Indigenous North American Nations have a rich oral history, in which the thunderbird may be found.
Interestingly, in researching this post I found references to a photograph from the 'wild west' of a captured thunderbird. However, there seems to be much dissention as to whether this image ever exisited - although many claim to have sighted it. Check out this blog for an interesting run-down this situation: The Butchers Floor.
Another interesting website is Paranormalis for general banter and opinions on crypids/mythological creatures.
Just a warning however, anything remotely mystical/paranormal/mythological tends to attract "interesting" types of people (like shit does flies) and I hold no liability for the weirdness that you may encounter there.
Cryptozoologists state that the 'sightings' of thunderbirds made in the modern day may be sightings the few last remaining Great Condors. I put this in the box with yetis being homo erectus, Nessy being a Pleisiosaur, and the beast of Gevaudan being a dire wolf - a nice idea and one to spark the imagination, but perhaps a little thin on the ground when it comes to reality - but none the less food for the muse of the paranormal romance writer!
Below are some interesting "ye olde worlde' pictures of alleged 'thunderbirds'.
Image: Link |
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Anyway, I must leave it here, I hope you have found this post as fascinating as I did! If you'd like to look more into mythological birds, here are some other interesting mythologies to google.
Garuda (Hindu/buddhist tradition)
Swan Maidens (Norse)
Bird Maidens (Middle Eastern)
Jatayu (Hindu from the Ramayana)
The 3 Legged Bird (Chinese, Japanese, Korean mythology)
Shang Yang (Chinese)
Halycon (Greek)
On that note, enjoy your week :)