
Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Cat is an Arsehole - Case File 4

This week I'm introducing the lovely paranormal author Sonnet O'Dell with her cat, Salem.



Name: Salem
Age: 8
Breed: British Domestic Short Hair
1. Disturbs Sleep: 
He thinks nothing of beginning his day at 4am in the morning. At scratching the bedroom door to pieces until you let him in and then proceeding to lull you into a false sense of security by snuggling down on top of the blanket. Within five minutes of shutting your eyes again, he’s up, prodding you with his paws, standing on your bladder till he makes you have to pee or making a general nuisance of himself playing with leads or knocking things off shelves. Once you have both feet out of bed and on the floor, he’s won and knows it.
2. Gluttony
Despite having a full bowl of Cat kibble, when he decides he wants wet food, he wants it now. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, he will sit and stare at you until the next time you get up. Heaven forbid if you should enter the kitchen as he will look forlornly at his bowl as if to say but Chef this isn’t what I wanted. Or worse, he will eat it all then look at the empty bowl like “What the hell happened” and can trick numerous members of the household into thinking he’s not been fed.
3. Attacks the brush  
 He sheds like nobody’s business and will not take a brushing lightly for the brush is the enemy and therefore must die. Several swipes have caught me by accident.
4. Snores 
Very, very loudly, right when you’re trying to watch something.
5. Malicious Peeing 
 Most cats will pee in the dirt. Not this cat. He sits right in the middle of the grass despite the amount of times he’s yelled at. Now he sits and gives you full eye contact while he does it. He’s killed a patch of grass about the size of a Frisbee.
6. Pervert 
He is one cat that doesn’t understand the bathroom is off limits to him. You can think you’ve shut him out in the hall but turn around and there he is, waiting, watching.

What kind of cat pees on grass?

Disclaimer: Despite all of that he is a very loving and affectionate cat. He loves nothing more than to curl up next to me, nestled against my side while I type away at the computer. He’s the best company when I’m alone and he never fails to make me smile because of stupid things he does. He’s my beautiful boy and I wouldn’t be without him.



If you'd like to know more about Sonnet and her awesome books, check out here website HERE


  1. :) it is good to see him named and shamed lol

  2. LOL, he's awesome. I think it's so funny how every writer seems to have a crazy cat.
