
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Latest Muses - from weather to film.

I am regularly afflicted by muses.
Something strikes me, and I become fascinated and inspired by it, often I find the muse can distract me completely from my writing all together!

Weather as a muse
We are in the depths of winter here in Perth, though by other people's standards it's hardly cold. It's cold enough for me though.
However, along the coast here it is very windy and perfect writing weather.
This is a photo (not my photo) taken of a jetty not far from my house last winter. As you can see  we do get some crazy wind here and snuggling in my office and writing (or cruising the net) is magic when it's like this.
I often find when I'm writing, the weather I'm experiencing at home is often what I write about in my novels... For example, the latest scene I've written in my WIP "The Sworn Virgin", is a wintery one, because as I stare out of my window at the lashing rain and gale-force winds, I find myself almost without realising it, setting my scene in it.
*sneaky excerpt*
...he hit the ground with a painful thud and fell to his knees. Rain lashed him with icy cutting droplets.  The wind roared like vacuum around his head, making his clothes flap wetly around him and his hair flatten against his brow.
Quelling his rolling belly, Marco peeled an eyelid open and winced as frozen rain stung his face...
See what I mean? Weather is a muse without me even knowing it, and now you know the hero's name in my latest WIP - Marco...

Film and Literature as a Muse
For some time (particularly since finishing the books) I've been been inspired by the relationship between Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth from the George R R Martin's series Song of Fire and Ice.

I totally love the character of Brienne of Tarth in George R R Martin's books (portrayed amazingly well by the super-awesome-let-me-go-all-fan-girl Gwendoline Christie in HBO's Game of Thrones series). Her strength as a female kick-ass character is awesome, but there is also a vulnerability about her which I absolutely adore. I also really love the development of Jaime and Brienne's friendship, it's been beautifully done.
Brienne is awesome.
The other show I've really been enjoying watching is "Strike Back", I've enjoyed it so much, I've just ordered the next two in the series.
'Strike Back' is a very exciting, contemporary action / suspense / military drama (which is totally out of my usual genre) and though I must admit though there are a number of 'bum and boob' shots for the bloke fans, there's sculpted torsos and biceps a plenty for the ladies too, namely from Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) phwaw.

Now, I want you to understand that contrary to popular belief, it is not just the manspiration factor that intrigued me about 'Strike Back' (though undoubtedly the rock hard abs and witty banter of the gents played a part.) It was in fact the presence of another truly awesome female kick-ass character, and that is Colonel Eleanor Grant (portrayed fabulously by actor Amanda Mealing).

Colonel Grant is a seriously hard lady, she's even got short hair to prove it. She is as ruthless as any of her soldiers if not more so, and very brave and utterly stoic. Unlike Brienne of Tarth, however Colonel Grant doesn't let her vulnerability show (or the writers of the show don't let her) until right at the bitter end... seriously awesome character! It's worth watching the show just for her! I love it that Strike Back had a powerful 45 year old female character! She rocks...
Anyway, the storm has not abated, and I'm going to write some more on my WIP.
Have a lovely weekend.


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