
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Who's yo Daddy?...the older gentleman hero.

The subject of todays post is the 'older hero'. In jest, I mentioned a novella of mine on Twitter that I should sex-up and submit to a publisher (not sure if I ever will though). 
I wrote it a few years ago as an experiment, but the interesting thing about this story is that a) it's a non-paranormal *gasp* regency romance and b) the hero is an older man.

Yes, you heard it here, the hero is in his mid-forties to early-fifties.

What do you think of the older hero? Does it make you think I'm so not going there! Or does it make you curious? Do you wonder about his sexpertise? Could  the old hero be as delectable as a throbbing muscular young man in his prime?

Food for the muse isn't it?

It has made me wonder about the demographic of my own readers, lets face it we're all getting older, should my heroes be getting older too? Hmmm?

Additionally, I have recently finished watching Terra Nova, and I was surprised to find that the character of Commander Nathaniel Taylor was a bit of hot tottie despite his somewhat advanced age.

Below is a gallery of older gentlemen actors/models. What do you think? Romantic Hero material or not? I'm thinking a resounding "Yes"!

["Nathaniel Taylor", Stephen Lang, age 60]

["Barca", Spartacus, Antonio Te Maioha Age 43]

["Crixus", Spartacus, Manu Bennett, Age 43]

[Johnny Depp, Age 49]

 [David duchovney Age 52]
 [Richard Gere, age: 63]

 So...what do you think?
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Let's see, I really like John Barrowman, Nathan Fillion, Jason Statham...probably more but those guys are the ones who come to mind first.

  2. Hell yeah, to older heroes. I agree as I get older, it's nice to see older heroes too. Not ones that make me think to break out the pimple cream ;0)
