
Saturday, January 21, 2012

My other great passion....

I have two enduring passions, obviously first is writing and the second is art.

I am a completely untrained drawer/artist, but I love and I do mean LOVE to draw comics and paint - when I have the time (which unfortunately is less and less).

 As a teen, I was one of those kids who was always drawing things. Dragons, centaurs, fairies, vampires, the walls around my study desk were covered in them. It's ironic that the wall around my writing desk now seems to be slowly acquiring similar sketches. :D

Sketches on my pinboard above my writing desk.
 My first foray into painted art occurred when I was pregnant with my son and from there I got into cubism in a pretty big way. Most of my cubist paintings are scattered in homes around Perth and one in England!

This one was inspired by Franz Marc's painting "Tiger", it's still my favourite and one I'll never sell or give away!

This one is one of my own called unsurprisingly, "snake in long grass" [oil on canvas] which is one of a three part Australian Reptile cubist something-or-rather series :) I have never denied the fact I am a nerd :)

My version, inspired by Franz Marc's 'foxes' [acrylic on canvas]

Then I got re-inspired by Franz Marc again, and if you don't know his work (he died in WW1) you should really check it out, it's so marvellous. He died far too young.

Then I got into PopArt - this was loads of fun, but it's remarkably time-consuming!
"Oh My" by me [acrylic].

"I never told him!" [acrylic] by me.


"Uh oh" [acrylic] by me.

After my PopArt Phase - I moved on to religious iconography!

"Our Lady of Perpetual Succor" [oil/acrylic on canvas] by me.

Then I had a brief stint in "realism" - not so much fun but worth the attempt!

"Red robin in the snow" [oil on canvas] by me.

And now I'm into comic drawing! :))

"Antigone & the Hunter" pen and pastel - you'll recognise this one from the "Magical Creations" book trailer.

"Bo & Mimosa" for an up-coming book trailer :D

"Mimosa" sketch for the upcoming trailer.

Anyway, I hoped you liked a glimpse of my other great passion.

Have a magical week.


  1. Awesome! My artistic "talent" is with photography. I wish I could draw a lot better than stick figures, but hey, we can't be good at everything.

    Hey, how is Magical Redemption going? I really can't wait to read it!

  2. Hi Alice, there's nothing wrong with stick figures! All good comic drawings start off as them! Photography is amazing, and I love looking a good photos and scrolling through Flickr!

    Redemption is going well, I'm writing up to the final climax of the story now. So I'm hoping to finish it in a month (University willing) It will take my crit partner maybe a month or two to get through it and then I'll submit to EP and we'll have to hope they like it! :P I temporarily got distracted by a novella about Phil the Manticore, but I'm putting that on pause to finish Magical Redemption asap!

    1. Well I can't wait for Redemption and even the novella about Phil. Good luck with the writing and Uni. I know how tough that can be.

    2. Thanks Alice! I can't wait to finish Redemption either. I wonder what the cover will be like? Can anyone do Lucian justice?! :D As for writing and Uni... yes well, I have a few spare hours between lectures and I figure one for revision/study, one for writing!

    3. Well that sounds like a decent enough plan. Now that I'm out of Grad School, I'm still trying to get myself back into the swing of writing. In school it was always easy because I would write during class and my free time was completely planned out. Now I only work 32 hours a week and there are so many things I'd like to work on as well as so many books that I'd like to read that I can't seem to follow any sort of schedule at all.

  3. Wow, these are wonderful. Glad you are still working on your other passion.

    1. Thanks Eleni, very hard to find the time now... None the less it's what I do and always will!
