
Monday, August 16, 2010

My writing journey - the ups and the downs

Anyone who knows me well, will be aware I have a vivid imagination. It comes out in lots of things - from horrible nightmares, to painting, or dramatic over-reactions to certain events and of course, my writing.

I have written stories since I could literally write. My father had bought one of those early computers that were a green screen. On that ancient computer I wrote a story about plants who didn't like the gardens they lived in, so they'd get up and leave - leaving bare gardens in their wake. I would have been about six at the time. From then on, I wrote, mostly at school creative writing classes, but in high school, I would write stories for my friends to read.

Since then it has been an up and down battle to get published, if you want to read the whole story - check out my writing journey on Wink Girls Blog in September!

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