
Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Hellcat - "Magical Creations"

[image courtesty: Flickr, Creative Commons, greenmelinda]

The beasts radiated heat, their coats more like flickering flames than fur. Twin sets of blazing
red eyes narrowed and focused. They stalked towards them on crouched legs... One of the flame-furred beasts snarled, an eerie, hollow sound that made Antigone freeze where she stood. Its teeth were the color of ebony. They flashed as its lips curled and it hunched as if about to pounce.

  ~"Magical Creations" Eternal Press - 7th October~
The count down is on...

These are my Hellcat's - you'll find them in "Magical Creations" and my WIP "Magical Redemption". If you're at all interested in the mythology behind them, feel free to check out an older blog of mine "Searching for a Hellcat".

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Six Line Sunday III - "Magical Creations"

Antigone looked again at Omar, now studying his orange glowing soul. A trill of anticipation caused the hairs to prickle on the back of her neck. Touching and taking a soul was something she had always forbidden herself to do. Antigone hesitated. Omar’s soul, though broken, was as gorgeous as he was physically. It shimmered with hundreds of orange hues. It called to her. It sang a siren song that seemed to beckon her irresistibly.

How have I ignored this all these years?


Thursday, September 15, 2011

When the pants just don't fit - the unconventional hero.

 [Image title; "Jeans that just don't fit,"]
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, your hero just doesn't fit the mould. Just like sometimes, that pair of jeans just won't button, no matter how hard you squeeze.

I've written a flash fiction version of my proposed novel, "Good Girls Don't Talk to Satyrs". The flash fiction will be available as a free read today on the billboard of
mum's lounge;

To try and enrich my knowledge of Satyr's in modern literature, I read Elizabeth Amber's "Nicholas", the first "Lords of Satyr" novel. Well, uh, Ms Amber did succeed in making Nicholas the novel's hero, but his errr, assets and unique abilities don't fit with my type of Satyr, or genre. None-the-less it was an extremely enlightening and engaging read, but let it be said that I will never think of Harry Potter's position of a 'seeker' in quite the same way! Haha.

So what makes an unconventional character heroic? Is it charm? Loyalty? Cleverness? Devotion? What exactly?

My character of Priapus in "Good Girls" isn't an anti-hero by any means, but he certainly doesn't look, or come across as a cookie cut hero either. For starters, the mythological Priapus (on which he is loosely based) is a minor Greek fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia. Priapus is marked by his absurdly oversized, permanent erection which gave rise to the medical term priapism.  I would put an image of him here, but frankly, it's a wee bit obscene - actually make that outrageously largely obscene. If you're burning with curiosity, you can view it HERE. Now, I feel I must clarify, my Priapus is not that well endowed, and nor does he suffer from Priapism... Just so you know. He is however, not your conventional hero.

So if you get a chance to pop over to the mums lounge ( today and read my  flash fiction about him, I'd love your opinions on whether he's desireable, likeable and heroic and if not, why not? Because I do want to write a novel about him and would love to have some general imput!

Cheers, and have a great Friday :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Six Line Sunday II - "Magical Creations"

Coming 7th October!

“I saw you today,” she said softly with a watery sniff.

“You what?” he asked, a quizzical eyebrow floating high on his brow.
“I had a daydream about you, and, I don’t know... I saw you.”
“What was I doing?” he asked, amusement tugging the edges of his lips up.
“Push- ups and sit ups.” Air rushed from her lungs at the memory of his body, hard and pumping.
“And?” he pressed gently.

[excerpt is subject to editing]

Hope you enjoyed it!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is that a Dwarf or a Gnome?

He was dressed well, in a charcoal-gray miniature suit. His hair was white, and pulled into a braid down his back, and his beard, which hung long and thin to his portly belly, was braided also. His eyes were small and a bright-yellow hazel but he barely reached Omar’s thigh in height. What he lacked in height, however, he made up for in power...

Magical Creations - coming next month!

[Image courtesy; Brenda Rosen, The Mythical Creatures Bible pg 253]

If you're wondering what the above creature is - it's a Gnome!

As I've said before, and will say again, I have an enduring love of magic and mythological creatures in whatever form they come. So todays post subject is Gnomes and Dwarves - in honour of the many German vistors I get to my blog (yes, I see you there).

Do you know the difference between Gnomes and Dwarves?No? Allow me clarify for you!

Gnomes were first described by a Swiss physician/alchemist named Paracelsus. They are described as being earth elementals, that typically dwell in caves and other subterranean abodes. They are rather unattractive little humanoid creatures about 30-45 cm tall. There is some discussion as to whether they are magical or not, but as an elemental they have the ability to vanish by dissolving into trees or soil. They are the guardians of precious minerals and metals. They can be either helpful to humankind or tricky and malicious until someone has won their trust.  Unlike the Dwarf they do not possess any particular skill for metal work.[Rosen, B. 2010, The mythical  Creatures Bible, pg 253]

The Dwarf generally used in literature is of Germanic origin (though Dwarves are also noted in Native American mythology and several other folk tales). Commonly known as "Little People" they are said to be larger than a Gnome. The mythological dwarf appears as stocky old men with oddly shaped noses and feet. They are generally described as creatures of the earth. Dwarves of this ilk are expert metal workers - who fashion metal into magical objects (rings, swords, helmets etc). The Dwarves of Germanic myth are divided into three groups.
White Dwarves -  gentle and peaceful dwarves who spend time making beautiful gold and silver objects throughout the winter, and in summer frolic in meadows and woodlands.
Brown Dwarves - (similar to the Brownie) are considered more malicious and have been blamed for stealing human babies (I think Rumplestiltskin may be based on one of these). They also apparently play tricks on a chosen household and bring bad dreams to those under its roof.
Black Dwarves - can't you guess? These are are the seriously dangerous dwarves. They create false lights to lure ships onto rocks so they can plunder cargo and also use their metal working skills to create deadly weapons  that they strengthen with magical curses.
[Rosen, B. 2010, The Mythical Creatures Bible, pg 272]

A household spirit in Germanic tradition,  loosely related to the Dwarf is the Kobold, these are quite benevolent and help keep houses clean and tidy. Clearly, my own Kobold goes missing for days at a time!!

If you're into Gnomes, and quite frankly, I'm not - be sure to visit Gnomesville in Western Australia. I've been there, and found it weird and a little freaky... but if you like garden gnomes, you'll be in heaven. There are thousands of the things, heck they're even in the trees.

Anyway, is one last thing I'd like to show you about Gnomes and Dwarves and this is a youtube clip of a "real life" Gnome. It was taken by a bunch of young guys in Salta Argentina. It makes me laugh - the guy's reaction as he zooms up on the Gnome is priceless. It's pretty poor quality footage though (as is to be expected!!) none the less enjoy!